Tuesday 17 November 2015


Ok, yesterday evening, I wanted to go grab some stuffs from the store. Not having enough money, I decided to make use of the atm. It was about 6pm. The banks were done for the day at that hour. I got to UBA bank’s ATM (closest bank to my place), I inserted my GT bank master card, tried transacting, and I got this error message saying, “INVALID TRANSACTION, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR SERVICE PROVIDER”. A little confused, I concluded it must have been a network issue. So, I tried again, but the same message showed up again. Now I was more annoyed than confused, I had to run to the nearest GT bank ATM available for the fear of being debited. On getting to GT bank ATM, I felt relieved a little. I then inserted my card, but my heart was shattered when I saw the same error message, “INVALID TRANSACTION, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR SERVICE PROVIDER”. Then I was convinced, there was more to it than I imagined. But if I were to have an issue with my ATM, why that faithful evening when I needed to get something I dreamt of all day to use.

To cut the story short, I went to GT bank today a little pissed, by 7am precisely, and I waited till 8am (resumption time). I guess I was the first customer that day. The problem was, I registered my BVN in my second bank, but I didn’t link it to GT bank.
Now straight to the point, to link your GT bank ACCOUNT to your BVN, dial the following code on the phone number you receive your GT bank alert on;



And like a wish granted, my master card was unlocked miraculously just by dialing the code, and I transacted successfully.
Now that’s how important your BVN can be, ensure you get yours done, so you won’t go through, what I went through. Especially, when you’re not in the mood.
Happy banking.

Friday 29 May 2015

The Truth

                          by O.C Davidson

They say the truth is bitter, but how about lies?

   If the truth is bitter, then lies are sweet?.
   Most people know how to twist a story in other to create a lie in defense, they could be used to it and maybe they escape sometimes. But those who are used to  the truth find it difficult to tell lies, no matter how crafty they are. The funny thing is that the lies keep piling up as a lie leads to another, but one who is observant will realise the lie isn't leading anywhere and decide to say the truth.
   But some will also make up their mind about not telling the truth, knowing how it will affect their status in the society if the truth is known. They may also make up their mind to stick to the lie but vow silently not to indulge in anything that will make them tell a lie again.
  A very good truth seeker has an advantage over a lieing individual( especially if the lieing, is not used to telling lies) because the truth seeker is determined to get to the bottom of the situation, while the lieing individual is always under pressure and in thought, thinking of the next step to take, this makes it easier for the truth seeker to pin the lieing individual down as a suspect and the lieing individual stuck between giving up and saying the truth or keep piling up the lies.

Biblically, Lieing  is considered a sin, and truth is considered a liberator. The bible also states, "The truth shall set you free". Yes, the truth shall set you free, but at what sacrifice?. Most times when we commit a crime, and about saying the truth, we think of the sacrifice we are gonna make, if the truth is known and so, we decide against telling the truth, this is were the saying, "Truth is bitter" comes in. And sometimes, when we garner some courage to say the truth, we may actually not end up sacrificing anything, and so, our minds are set free without undergoing troubles.

Fact still remains, when we are in trouble, we are stucked with the fear of saying the truth, especially in deep situations.

Though the truth is a liberator, Can we ever garner enough courage to overcome the fear of saying the truth in all situation?.