Thursday 31 October 2013


Nigeria To Experience Partial Eclipse On Nov 3

Nigerians will experience a partial lunar eclipse on Sunday, November 3, across the 36 states of the federation.

 According to the Director-General of National
Space Research and Development Agency,
NASRDA , Dr. Saidu Mohammed, the 2013
penumbral lunar eclipse will be visible
throughout Africa, Caribbean, Europe, Africa and
According to the NASRDA boss, some part of the
world will be having total eclipse, while in
Nigeria, there will be partial eclipse.
For observers in Nigeria, the eclipse will occur in
he middle of the night when the moon is high
overhead. The partial shading will be visible as
the slight reddish dimming of the normally
bright full moon.
The partial eclipse would be visible in most
parts of Nigeria between 12 pm and 4.10pm of
Sunday, November 3, 2013.
During the partial eclipse, part of the moon will
partially block the sun from reaching the earth
through only the outer edge of the earth's
shadow in what scientists call a penumbra lunar
Speaking on the development, the Director,
Centre for Astronomy, UNN, Prof. Felix Okpara
said that partial eclipse usually occur when the
moon passes between the sun and the earth,
causing a blockage either partially or fully
blocking the sun light from shining.
''Considering our culture here, we felt that it is
necessary to inform Nigerians so that they will
be aware that the world is not coming to an end
but that these things happening are natural
''It does not affect the flight, therefore, it is up
to the science desk doing studies on astronomy
to let us know about this development so that
people will understand it well,'' he said.
According to him, nothing ordinary will happen
during the period of the partial eclipse and it
can't hinder any geo satellite signals. 

Wednesday 30 October 2013



Sometimes when we pick on a roasted chicken or chew on a seafood or even sip from a glass of redwine, we wonder what kind of nutrient we absorb at that particular time.Below are some nutrients and alsowhere they can be obtained:

•Calcium: Low-fat milk, broccoli, turnip greens,
yogurt/cheese, cereal.
•Folic Acid: Fortified cereal, green leafy veggies,
whole grain cereal.
•Fiber: Bran, whole grain cereal, apples, pears,
raw veggies.
•Iron: ragi,dates, roasted channa,green leafy vegetables, chicken,
ground beef, seafood.
•Fluids: Water,buttermilk, juices,coconut water
•Omega 3: Wild salmon, halibut, non-white
tuna, sardines, walnuts, Flax seeds, Pumpkin
•Isoflavones: soy, red wine, purple grapes,
pomegranate, cranberries...!



7 Benefits of Bathing With Cold Water

Most people generally prefer to bathe in warm water than cold water. In fact, with more cold shower health benefits that you can get a hot shower instead.

You should know that a cold shower can help boost metabolism, prevent post-exercise muscle injury and regulate levels of uric acid in your body. There are many other benefits of a cold shower that you can get Healthmeup quoted as saying the following:

Male fertility:

Perhaps there are very few people know this fact, that a cold shower can increase fertility in men. On the other hand, a hot shower is bad for your testicles, because it can potentially lower the sperm count. If you want to plan on having a child, it's time to bathe in cold water. Think again if you plan to visit the sauna or steam bath.

Increase blood circulation to remove toxins:

When the cold water on the surface of the skin, blood vessels beneath the skin will shrink. This reduces the blood circulation, but at the same time the mechanism of blood pressure and it will automatically destroy the target tissue. This causes the blood to circulate with greater impetus, so that blood flow becomes stronger in the increasing circulation.

Build up immunity:

You want to increase white blood cells? Bathe in cold water, because it will increase your metabolism, which in turn increases body heat and revive the immune system by releasing white blood cells.

Increase metabolism:

When a person feels cold, they will usually wear a sweater to warm the body. Similarly, when your body is doused in cold water, your body will automatically produce heat, which makes the body's metabolism to increase rapidly. That's when carbohydrates and fats are burned to make you feel warm.

Prevent injury:

When you perform physical activity, the muscles will become inflamed and you need time to make your muscles become relaxed. To increase strength and muscle mass, your muscle fibers will swell and shrink. Therefore, to prevent rupture of muscle fibers due to excessive physical activity, wash with cold water.

Additional benefits:

A cold shower can reduce chronic pain, reduce body aches, improve hair health, kidney function, reduce inflammation and regulate the autonomic nervous system.

Cold water and the rhythms of the body:

Cold water can deepen your breathing and helps fight fatigue. Even if you are having trouble sleeping, take a cold shower memembuat believed to be sleeping more soundly.

Tuesday 29 October 2013


Is Your Food Expired? Don’t Be So Quick to Toss It

 Use-by dates are contributing to millions of
pounds of wasted food each year.
A new report from the Natural Resources
Defense Council (NRDC) and Harvard Law
School’s Food Law and Policy Clinic says
Americans are prematurely throwing out food,
largely because of confusion over what
expiration dates actually mean.
Most consumers mistakenly believe that
expiration dates on food indicate how safe the
food is to consume, when these dates actually
aren’t related to the risk of food poisoning or
foodborne illness. Food dating emerged in the
1970s, prompted by consumer demand as
Americans produced less of their own food but
still demanded information about how it was
made. The dates solely indicate freshness, and
are used by manufacturers to convey when the
product is at its peak. That means the food does
not expire in the sense of becoming inedible.
For un-refrigerated foods, there may be no
difference in taste or quality, and expired foods
won’t necessarily make people sick.
But according to the new analysis, words like
“use by” and “sell by” are used so inconsistently
that they contribute to widespread
misinterpretation — and waste — by consumers.
More than 90% of Americans throw out food
prematurely, and 40% of the U.S. food supply is
tossed–unused–every year because of food
(MORE: Food Safety: CDC Report Shows Rates of
Foodborne Illnesses Remain Largely Unchanged )
Eggs, for example, can be consumed three to
five weeks after purchase, even though the “use
by” date is much earlier. A box of mac-and-
cheese stamped with a ‘use by’ date of March
2013 can still be enjoyed on March 2014, most
likely with no noticeable changes in quality.
“We are fine with there being quality or
freshness dates as long as it is clearly
communicated to consumers, and they are
educated about what that means,” says study
co- author Emily Broad Leib, the director of
Harvard Food Law & Policy Clinic. “There should
be a standard date and wording that is used.
This is about quality, not safety. You can make
your own decision about whether a food still has
an edible quality that’s acceptable to you.”
(MORE: Is It Worth Buying Organic? Maybe Not)
Because food dating was never about public
health, there is no national regulation over the
use of the dates, although the Food and Drug
Administration ( FDA) and US Department of
Agriculture (USDA) technically have regulatory
power over the misbranding of products. The
only federally required and regulated food
dating involves infant formula, since the
nutrients in formula lose their potency as time
goes on.
What regulation does exist occurs at the state
level — and all but nine states in the U.S. have
food dating rules but these vary widely. “What’s
resulted from [the FDA letting states come up
with regulation] is really a patchwork of all sorts
of different rules for different products
and regulations around them,” says study co-
author Dana Gunders, a staff scientist with the
NRDC’s food and agriculture program.
“Sometimes a product needs a date, sometimes
it doesn’t. Sometimes a product cannot be sold
after a different date. Or there is no
requirement at all. Even with
different categories there is so much variability.”
The result is a confused public — and tons of
wasted food.
(MORE: Bad Food: Illnesses from Imported
Foods Are on the Rise, CDC Says)
Correcting these entrenched misconceptions,
however, won’t be easy. The report authors say
the re-education could start with a clearer
understanding of what the dates mean.
“Use by” and “Best by”: These dates are
intended for consumer use, but are typically
the date the manufacturer deems the product
reaches peak freshness. It’s not a date to
indicate spoilage, nor does it necessarily signal
that the food is no longer safe to eat.
“Sell by”: This date is only intended to help
manufacturers and retailers, not consumers.
It’s a stocking and marketing tool provided by
food makers to ensure proper turnover of the
products in the store so they still have a long
shelf life after consumers buy them.
Consumers, however, are misinterpreting it as
a date to guide their buying decisions. The
report authors say that “sell by” dates should
be made invisible to the consumer.
Jena Roberts, vice president for business
development at the food testing firm, National
Food Lab, studies “shelf-stable” properties of
foods to help manufacturers determine what
date indicates when their products are at their
best. “The food has to be safe, that’s a given,”
says Roberts. “[The manufacturers] want to
make sure the consumer eats and tastes a high
quality product.”
But she acknowledges that even if the food is
consumed after its ideal quality date, it’s not
harmful. A strawberry-flavored beverage may
lose its red color, the oats in a granola bar may
lose its crunch, or the chocolate clusters in a
cereal may start to ‘bloom’ and turn white.
While it may not look appetizing, the food is still
safe to eat. “It’s a confusing subject, the
difference between food quality and food safety.
Even in the food industry I have colleagues who
are not microbiologists who get confused,” she
(MORE: How to Stop the Superbugs)
The report authors aren’t against food date
labeling. The system was created to provide
more information to consumers, but it’s
important that people know how to use that
data. “The interest is still there on the part of
the consumers, but we want this to be clearly
communicated so consumers are
not misinterpreting the data and contributing to
a bunch of waste,” says Gunders.
While the food industry could make changes to
date labels voluntarily — such as having the
dates read when food is most likely to spoil —
the study authors also call for legislation by
Congress to develop national standards that
would standardize a single set of dating
Such standards may already be in the works;
following the release of the
report, Congresswoman Nita Lowey (D-
Westchester/Rockland), the senior Democrat
on the House Appropriations Committee and
author of the Freshness Disclosure Act says she
will be reintroducing legislation to Congress that
calls for establishing a consistent food dating
system in the U.S.
“I look forward to reintroducing this legislation
this Congress and working with colleagues on
both sides of the aisle to fix this glaring gap in
our nation’s food safety laws so that American
consumers have the information they need,”
Lowey said in a statement.

Monday 28 October 2013


Walking Can Reduce Breast Cancer Risk

women running

 Researchers credit vigorous exercise with
lowering risk for the disease by 25 percent.
New research published in the journal Cancer,
Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention shows
that exercise like walking may reduce a person’s
risk for cancer. The researchers found that
postmenopausal women who were very active or
walked for at least seven hours a week had a
reduced risk for breast cancer.
The researchers looked at a cohort of 73,615
postmenopausal women who reported their
physical activity and found that women who
participated in vigorous physical activity every
day had a 25% lower risk for breast cancer, and
women who walked for at least seven hours a
week had a 14% lower risk for breast cancer.
Given that 60% of women report some type of
daily walking, the researchers say promoting
walking as a leisure time activity can have
protective benefits for women. Even without any
other forms of exercise, women who walk had
higher chances of keeping breast cancer at
bay. Walking could be as beneficial to the body
than say running and swimming. Research
looking into the benefits of walking have shown
that talking a brisk walk can help lower the risk
for high blood pressure, high cholesterol
and diabetes.
Other emerging research has sown that exercise
may be as effective as medications in treating
common diseases like heart disease and
diabetes. A recent study published in the British
Medical Journal compared the effect of exercise
to drug therapy on four different health
outcomes: heart disease, recovery from stroke,
heart failure treatment and preventing diabetes.
The study reported that there were no
detectable differences between groups of
participants using exercise as therapy and
participants using medications when it came to
preventing diabetes and preventing additional
events for heart patients.
“We look at our lifestyle today, and we are more
and more sedentary as a population,” said Alpha
Patel, author of the breast cancer study and a
senior epidemiologist at the American Cancer
Society. “We are seeing what happens when we
introduce these activities into daily life. We
have more of an understanding about of the
role of physical activity and obesity as
it relates to cancer. Earlier research has shown
the benefits of exercise for diabetes
and obesity prevention, but we are learning
more and more about it’s influence on cancer,”
she says.
Federal experts recommend people exercise at a
moderate intensity for about 2.5 hours a week.
Fewer than half of Americans meet that
recommendation, and a third of Americans don’t
get any exercise at all.

Sunday 27 October 2013


An asteroid that could hit Earth with the power of 2,500 nuclear bombs flew close to the planet on September 16.

Astronomers Discover Asteroid Heading to the Earth

Ukrainian astronomers said there is a
chance it could come even closer and strike our
planet on August 26, 2032.
Nasa has attempted to calm nerves by issuing a
'a reality check', which highlights that the
probability of an Earth impact is only one in
That means astronomers are 99.9984 per cent
certain that it will miss Earth's orbit. Crimean
Astrophysical Observatory found the massive
asteroid, called 2013 TV135, last weekend and
the international scientific community has
already rated it as one of the two most
dangerous asteroids ever recorded.
The asteroid is initially estimated to be about
1,300 feet (400 meters) in size and its orbit
carries it as far out as about three quarters of
the distance to Jupiter's orbit and as close to
the sun as Earth's orbit.
Massive: The asteroid would strike with
2,500megatons of explosive force, enough to
create damage within a 100,000 square-mile
radius. (Blast location for illustrative purposes
As of October 14, asteroid 2013 TV135 is one of
10,332 near-Earth objects that have been
discovered. Scientists have given it a danger
rating of 1 out of 10 on the Torino Scale. Only
one other asteroid has been given a rating of 1.
The risk for all others has been judged 0,
negligible. The effects of an impact would be
catastrophic, especially if it struck a populated
area. If 2013 TV135 were to collide with Earth, it
is estimated to impact with 2,500 megatons of
explosive power.
The standard U.S. Minute Man II missiles carries
a nuclear warhead with an explosive power of a
little over 1 megaton. But Nasa said that with
only a week of observations for an orbital period
that spans almost four years, its future orbital
path is 'still quite uncertain.'
The space agency expects the object to be easily
observable in the coming months, and will be
using the Minor Planet Centre in Cambridge,
Massachusetts to improve calculations.
The asteroid was discovered by astronomers at
the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory and later
confirmed by scientists as observatories in
Spain, Italy and Siberia, Russia
It said the most likely result will be a dramatic
reduction, or complete elimination, of any risk
of Earth impact.
"To put it another way, that puts the current
probability of no impact in 2032 at about 99.998
per cent," said Don Yeomans, manager of
Nasa's Near-Earth Object Programme Office at
the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena,
"This is a relatively new discovery. With more
observations, I fully expect we will be able to
significantly reduce, or rule out entirely, any
impact probability for the foreseeable future."
The asteroid is much smaller than the
interplanetary object that hit Earth and killed off
the dinosaurs 65million years ago. Currently,
2007 VK184 is believed to have the best chance
of striking Earth.
The 420-foot-wide object is said to have a 1 in
2700 chance of making contact with the planet
in 2048. It is the only other asteroid to have a 1
rating on the Torino Scale.



Read and Share:Have you ever had an encounter with a poisonous snake or have you witnessed a cobra or viper attack and don't know what action to take?Read on to be enlightened.

Snake bites are usually poisonous and can also be very deadly,some bites kill in seconds while some may take a long while it renders its victim Unconscious and helpless


Symptoms depend on the type of snake, but may include: Bleeding from wound Blurred vision Burning of the skin Convulsions Diarrhea Dizziness Excessive sweating Fainting Fang marks in the skin Fever Increased thirst Loss of muscle coordination Nausea and vomiting Numbness and tingling Rapid pulse Tissue death Severe pain Skin discoloration Swelling at the site of the bite Weakness

First Aid:

1. Keep the person calm, reassuring them that bites can be effectively treated in an emergency room. Restrict movement, and keep the affected area below heart level to reduce the flow of venom. 2. If you have a pump suction device (such as that made by Sawyer), follow the manufacturer's directions. 3. Remove any rings or constricting items because the affected area may swell. Create a loose splint to help restrict movement of the area. 4. If the area of the bite begins to swell and change color, the snake was probably poisonous. 5. Monitor the person's vital signs -- temperature, pulse, rate of breathing, and blood pressure -- if possible. If there are signs of shock (such as paleness), lay the person flat, raise the feet about a foot, and cover the person with a blanket. 6. Get medical help right away. 7. Bring in the dead snake only if this can be done safely. Do not waste time hunting for the snake, and do not risk another bite if it is not easy to kill the snake. Be careful of the head when transporting it -- a snake can actually bite for several hours after it's dead (from a reflex).
Do NOT allow the person to become over-exerted. If necessary, carry the person to safety. Do NOT apply a tourniquet. Do NOT apply cold compresses to a snake bite. Do NOT cut into a snake bite with a knife or razor. Do NOT try to suck out the venom by mouth. Do NOT give the person stimulants or pain medications unless a doctor tells you to do so. Do NOT give the person anything by mouth Do NOT raise the site of the bite above the level of the person's heart.

Tuesday 22 October 2013


Five Ways to Get Straight Hair Naturally!

Do you wish to get that straight silky hair that
you have just seen in your favourite shampoo
ad? A few home therapies can definitely
make your hair relatively straighter than
before. These ways to straighten hair
naturally will not just help to achieve
desirable straight hair, but also protect hair
from harsh chemicals as well. Just try and
follow these easy homely tips to straighten
your hair naturally!
1. Coconut and Lemon
Add a few drops of lemon juice to freshly
prepared coconut milk and mix well. Keep
the glass of coconut milk and lemon juice into
refrigerator for a few hours. A thick foamy
layer will appear over the glass, which needs
to be applied on the scalp and entire length
of the hair right away. Steam your hair for
15-20 minutes after this and follow it up with
a wash. Repeat this process regularly to get
straighter hair.
2. Celery
Crush a few fresh celery leaves and mix them
with a little water. Squeeze it to extract the
juice and store it in bottle. The bottle has to
be left unused for at least a day, so as to
allow the juice to develop properties and
effectiveness for straightening. Using them
regularly, preferably in the morning, before
bath will help in straightening hair. Massage
it well on the scalp and leave it for 15-30
minutes, prior to washing it off with a
3. The Milky Way
Milk is known to have moisturizing properties,
which are suitable in straightening the hair.
Take half cup of milk, preferably boiled and
cooled. Then mix it with half cup of water.
Store it in a spray bottle and spray over the
hair. Allow it to stand for half an hour, before
shampooing the hair. This mixture will help in
straightening as well as adding substantial
amount of moisture to add smoothness to
the hair
4. Cast a Spell with Castor
Castor oil is known to have hair growth and
hair straightening properties. Massage the oil
on the scalp, along your hair strands and
then comb your hair properly. As you comb,
blow dry your hair, which has been separated
into sections, on high heat. The hair should
feel dry and not oily after being blow dried.
When done, wrap it with a chilled towel and
leave for half an hour. It will soothe the hair
from excessive heat and will restore the
5. Hair Dryer and Hair Brush
This combination is something that people
have seen in salons and spas. This can be
done at home too! Get a hair dryer and a
good hair brush, which will stretch and hold
your hair firmly in place. Comb your wet hair
and while it is still wet, use hair brush to
stretch a section of hair by rolling it in end
and then blow dry it. Repeat the process for
other sections of wet hair till dry.


Weird facts about the human body

The human body has been beleived to possess some strange characteristics,which can also be tagged weird.Below are some unbeleivable weird facts about the amazing human body:
> Men lose about 40 hairs in a day and women lose 70 hairs in a day.
> Your blood has same amount of salts in it as an ocean has.
> You are taller in the morning than you are at night.
> Heart circulates blood in your body about 1000 times each day.
> Eyelashes last about 150 days.
> There are 500 hairs in an eyebrow.
> The average human body contains approximately 100 billion nerve cells.
> It is not possible to sneeze with open eyes.
> Bones are 4 times stronger than concrete.
> Average life span of a taste bud is only 10 days.
> You are born without knee caps and they don’t appear until age of 2 to 6 years.
> Children grow faster in springtime
> Eyes stay the same size throughout life but nose and ears never stop growing.
> We born with 300 bones but end up with 206 bones when we are adult.
> Human skull is made up of 26 different bones.
> Hair is made of same substance as fingernails.
> Our entire body functions stop when we sneeze, even your heart beat.
> Tongue is the strongest muscle in human body.
> Typical person goes to bathroom six times a day.
> Food takes 7 seconds to reach stomach from mouth.
> Children have more taste buds than adults.
> Sneeze blows air out of nose at the speed of 100 miles per hour.
> Largest muscle in your body is one on which you are sitting on.
> Smallest bone of body is in ears.

Tuesday 8 October 2013


GREAT NEWS NERDTWIST Great news,nerdtwist has discovered a unique code which enables non-blackberry users like the JAVA and ANDROID platform tosurf the net at 80MB for just a N100.To get started, text bbud to 440 and you will be automatically credited 80MB.Its that simple.Remember to text stopautorenew to stop automatic renewal.To check our data balance dial *141*712*0#....nerdbeep.