Friday 27 December 2013

Nigeria smartphone subscriptions to hit over 2.4bn by 2019


Telecommunications experts have predicted that Nigeria's smartphone usage is expected to hit over 2.4 billion by 2019, considering that "Nigerians are always ready to play with technology at all cost".

Those who made the prediction noted that Nigeria had huge population that is making the increase a delight to behold.

It was against this backdrop that Ericsson Mobility Report stated that 90 per cent of the world's population would be covered by WCDMA/HSPA in 2019 and 65 per cent will be covered by the Long Term Evolution(LTE)/4G. And that mobile subscriptions are expected to reach the threshold of 9.3 billion by 2019, while smartphones will take a large chunk of it to the tune of 5.6 billion(about 60 per cent), which may keep rising due to smartphone user experience.

Smartphone subscriptions, the Ericsson Mobility Report disclosed, would triple and smartphone traffic would increase 10 times between 2013 and 2019, reaching 10 Exabytes.Also video is growing at 55 per cent annually and this will represent more than 50 per cent of the mobile data traffic, while social networking and web services will account for 10 per cent each in 2019.

The reports, Ericsson maintained, included an appendix, providing data and insights on telecommunications trends in sub saharan Africa over the next five years.Mobile subscriptions are projected to grow to around 930 million by the end of 2019, with a 446 per cent growth in low cost smartphones, PC's and tablets, and increased viewing of videos.

Speaking on this latest report, Ericsson's senior vice president and Head of strategy, Mr. Douglas Gilstrap noted that "the rapid paace of smartphone uptake has been phenomenal and is set to continue.It took more than five years to reach the first billion smartphone subscriptions but it will take less than two to hit the two billion mark.Between now and 2009,smartphone subscriptions will triple,"the report noted."I pointed out that trend will be driven by uptake in china and other emerging markets as low-priced smartphone models become available."

Currently, smartphones represent 25-30 percent of all mobile phone subscriptions globally, yet they account for the majority (55 per cent) of mobile phones sold in Q3.Over the forecast period, smartphone uptake in Sub-saharan Africa will be relatively rapid, driven partly by low-cost smartphones entering the market and the increasing demand for content services to be delivered over mobile devices.


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