Wednesday 5 February 2014

Windows 2003, Xp to stop functioning as users are adviced to upgrade

Like it or not, global devices and services giant Microsoft has announced the official end of support for Windows XP, Windows XP Professional for Embedded Systems and Office 2003 by April 8, 2014 and therefore urges its customers and partners to migrate to Windows 8 and Office 2013 platform.
Now, ending support in this context means that for Windows XP, Windows XP Professional for Embedded Systems and Office 2003, partners and customers will no longer receive security updates and technical support from Microsoft, which will result in vulnerability to security threats.
According to Oluyomi Alarape, Datacenter Solutions & Sales at Microsoft Nigeria, "There are several re-engineering and attacks that needs to be catered for as a result of the changing technology landscape. Businesses stand to have huge risks if they do not migrate because there will be no security updates to meet security requirements"
In addition, Windows 8 provides mobile security through Bit locker, "Windows To Go", is a full version of Windows 8 on a USB stick which readily support BYOD "Bring Your Own Device" initiatives.

Awawu Olumide-Sojinrin, Acting Country Manager, Microsoft Nigeria while speaking at a media briefing to announce end of support for the Windows XP and Office 2003 in Lagos, explained that Microsoft is proactive in communicating changes that are critical and important to our customers. As a result, she said Microsoft is taking its time to notify its customers and partners ahead of the April 8 2014 deadline.

Windows 8 is Microsoft's latest operating system for modern businesses, building on Windows 7 fundamentals such as speed, reliability and security while creating a modern platform for the new generation of hardware experiences from tablets and innovative touch devices to traditional desktops and laptops.

Posted via Blogaway

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