Tuesday 15 July 2014

Top 7 Odd Things That Happened During The Wolrld Cup

The World Cup has come and gone, but during the showpiece a whole lots of oddities were at play during the one- month long period of football artistry and spectacles.
We would like to sum up some of these oddities by creating a list of TOP-7 odd things during the Mundial. They events are placed in the descending order.

Yeah, own goals should not be classified as oddity especially when it is more of a recurring decimal in the game of football. Does a football tournament ever takes place without one or two own goals? But scoring an own goal on an important day in your career is wacky to say the least. The game against France was Yobo’s Centenary game in the national team jersey. Hence such a game is usually marked with breathtaking strikes akin to the Rodrigues’ goal or the Van Persie’s goal. But trust Yobo, he had other plans on his landmark game.
During the match between Cameroun and their group opponent Croatia, with The Indomitable lions losing scandalously and obviously heading for the exit, Benoit Assou-Ekonto and Benjamin Monkandjo throw caution to the wind when they started fighting themselves in the full glare of the world. Can you beat that? Africans always known for the wrong reasons!
Imagine Mario Balotelli promising to do England a favour in exchange for a kiss from the British Queen. Do you promise what you can’t give? They hadn’t qualified at the time of that promise hence they were booted out alongside The Three Lions of England in the group stage. Lets hope Super Mario has learnt his lessons. Don’t ever promise what is not in your hands!
How does any right thinking individual or group do that? Displaying the picture of a fellow player before a game. What for? Were they mourning Neymar? I still cannot understand the rationale behind that decision. Was that the reason why they were pummeled and massacred by their German opponents? Neynar is just 23 and has not achieved the status of godlike figure. He is not even yet in the mould of Pele or Maradona. 
Of course African players are known with squabbles for cash during any major international tournament. The players of Cameroun even refused to travel to Brazil for the Mundial, Super Eagles refusal to train. But none was mind boggling like that of the Ghanaians who were reportedly kissing foreign currency in their hotel rooms after their FA sent 3million dollars vie an aircraft. Kissing money on camera! This singular act was greeted with uproar in Ghana which necessitated a probe by the President. Na wa o.
Nobody would forget this in a hurry. Suarez again? I think football fans around the world should start getting use to Luis Suarez shenanigans and of course his BITES. How can someone be so talented, yet so awkward? Seriously, what should we do with this biting Suarez?
Who does that, I mean predicting when a goal would be scored? Yes, a certain entertainer from South Africa called ILan Smith even did more than that on the final between Germany and Argentina. Smith Specializing in jaw dropping illusions of the mind and breathtaking sleight of hand. Ilis unique combination of enchantment and humour makes his every performance a masterpiece. It is of note to point out that he has been entertaining professionally since the age of 16. Smith was mentored by two South Africa’s magical greats George Moss and Graham Kirik. He predicted the correct scoreline, the scorer, and period of the game when the goal would be scored except the exact time. Once again, who does that?    

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