Thursday 21 November 2013

Infectious Diseases; Symptoms, Causes, Complications, Treatment And Prevention


Infectious diseases are
disorders caused by
organisms — such as
bacteria, viruses, fungi
or parasites. Many
organisms live in and
on our bodies. They’re normally harmless or
even helpful, but some organisms under
certain conditions may cause disease.
Some infectious diseases can be passed from
person to person. Some, however, are
transmitted via bites from insects or animals.
Others are acquired by ingesting
contaminated food or water or other
exposures in the environment.
Signs and symptoms vary, but often include
fever and chills. Mild complaints may respond
to home remedies, while some life-
threatening infections may require
Many infectious diseases, such as measles
and chickenpox, can be prevented by
vaccines. Frequent and thorough hand-
washing also helps protect you from
infectious diseases.
Each infectious disease has its own specific
signs and symptoms. General signs and
symptoms common to many infectious
diseases include:
Loss of appetite
Muscle aches
When to see a doctor
You should seek medical attention if you:
Have been bitten by an animal
Are having trouble breathing
Have been coughing for more than a week
Have severe headache with fever or seizures
with fever
Experience a rash or swelling
Have unexplained fever
Infectious diseases can be caused by:
Bacteria. These one-cell organisms are
responsible for illnesses such as strep throat,
urinary tract infections and tuberculosis.
Viruses. Even smaller than bacteria, viruses
cause a multitude of diseases — ranging from
the common cold to AIDS.
Fungi. Many skin diseases, such as ringworm
and athlete’s foot, are caused by fungi. Other
types of fungi can infect your lungs or
nervous system.
Parasites. Malaria is caused by a tiny parasite
that is transmitted by a mosquito bite. Other
parasites may be transmitted to humans
from animal feces.
Most infectious diseases have only minor
complications, but some infections — such as
pneumonia, AIDS or meningitis — can become
life-threatening. A few types of infections
have been linked to a long-term increased
risk of cancer:
Human papillomavirus is linked to cervical
Hepatitis B and C increase the risk of liver
Helicobacter pylori is linked to stomach
Knowing what type of germ is causing your
illness makes it easier for your doctor to
choose appropriate treatment.
Antibiotics are grouped into “families” of
similar types. Bacteria also are put together
in groups of similar types, such as
streptococcus or E. coli. Certain types of
bacteria are especially susceptible to
particular classes of antibiotics. So treatment
can be targeted more precisely if your doctor
knows what type of bacteria you’re fighting.
Antibiotics are reserved for bacterial
infections, because these types of drugs have
no effect on illnesses caused by viruses. But
sometimes it’s difficult to tell which type of
germ is at work. For example, some types of
pneumonia are caused by viruses while
others are caused by bacteria.
The overuse of antibiotics has resulted in
several types of bacteria developing
resistance to one or more varieties of
antibiotics. This makes these bacteria much
more difficult to treat.
Drugs have been developed to treat some,
but not all, viruses. Examples include the
viruses that cause:
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Severe fungal infections can affect the lungs
or the mucous membranes of the mouth and
throat — most commonly in people who have
weakened immune systems. Antifungals are
the drugs of choice for these types of
Some diseases, including malaria, are caused
by tiny parasites. While there are drugs to
treat these diseases, some varieties of
parasites have developed resistance to the
Infectious agents can enter your body
Skin contact or injuries
Inhalation of airborne germs
Ingestion of contaminated food or water
Tick or mosquito bites
s*xual contact
Follow these tips to decrease your risk of
infecting yourself or others:
Wash your hands. This is especially important
before and after preparing food, before
eating and after using the toilet.
Get vaccinated. Immunization can drastically
reduce your chances of contracting many
diseases. Make sure to keep your
recommended vaccinations, as well as your
children’s, up to date.
Stay home. Don’t go to work if you’re
vomiting, have diarrhea or are running a
fever. Don’t send your child to school if he or
she has these signs and symptoms, either.
Prepare food safely. Keep counters and other
kitchen surfaces clean when preparing meals.
In addition, promptly refrigerate leftovers —
don’t let cooked foods remain at room
temperature for extended periods of time.
Practice safe s*x. Use condoms if you or your
partner has a history of sexually transmitted
infections or high-risk behavior.
Don’t share personal items. Use your own
toothbrush, comb and razor. Avoid sharing
drinking glasses or dining utensils.
Travel wisely. Don’t fly when you’re ill. With
so many people confined to a small area, you
may infect other passengers on the plane.
And your trip won’t be comfortable, either. If
you’re traveling out of the country, talk to
your doctor about any special vaccinations
you may need.


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